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The raison d'etre of the Team Works

When I see you're here and recognize in practice that human resources are critical in smart companies and pursuing a strategic plan. This allows us to identify the importance of the different teams that make all types and sizes of organizations and consistency joining these teams: "your rationale or raison d’etre".

“Apathy in organizations is often a result of a disconnection between what matters to the person & what they’re asked to do” JMCoach

“Great teams are not born great”. They learn, work together and develop skills to create what they want to create and be. Create a learning cycle and profound change that develops individuals and the collective.
"They are action and attitude."

Definitely on all levels, we are exposed to work stress, who hasn’t had a hard month closing, an immediate deadline, a last minute change, and important and determining meeting, a quick decision that could put some of the team’s or the area’s objectives and goals at risk?

Although the stress can’t disappear from our lives, we can control it and take an attitude “of distance” before these problems, that is to say, can they be solved at this moment or do we have to wait to solve them?
It sounds easy to say it; I’ve been in many stressful situations, thousands of times. In fact, good stress management and emotional intelligence was one of the goals. Such as Aristotle challenge.
To identify the situation of the team we can use the Tuckman’s proposal: Training, Conflict, Standards, Performance. This sets the tone on the type of work to be done.
In the practice, it is done with an exercise that use gratitude or circle of affinities, then it asks:
ü  Reason being (We are a team because)
ü  How we see ourselves and where we go
ü  Our values
ü  On behavior on the computer
ü  Team, what it is important to you?

The results are surprising and unity of purpose working for teams with a vision and goals with passion and commitment.
All the participants are allowed to get to know each other better and delve deeper into their differences, making them understand that the differences between them are the key to achieve goals, each one will bring his or her own potential and point of view and all that will enrich the work as a team.

It is important to recognize the balance of the work triangle that breaks paradigms and beliefs. We balance performance, learning and enjoyment. Overall it contributes 30 points or more on improvements.

Can balance in life be found? It’s hard, but it can be done, just as long as one wants it and works for it.

Regularly at a meeting they are reviewed: performance, numbers, visits, motivation, goals. What if better you ask about learning from customer needs and perspectives, what happens with competition, how to manage objections?
It becomes essential that each person knows their role and position in the game, to contribute to the process and system.
This methods helps to build awareness of all that you dislike about yourself and your way of acting to promote your qualities. What makes you change, for you to take what comes with maturity, to learn from the good and the bad, to stop blaming others for your problems? Your attitude, your virtues, your passion, your dedication.

This coaching team is requested when you want to improve performance, there are management changes, a strategic plan is created, a negative organizational climate is identified, etc.
“All the time we are learning and sharing the experience and knowledge. Inspiring people, enterprises; such as you inspired us. Inner dialogue. If you want to chase your dreams/goals, you don’t need to get motivated. You need to get inspired” JMCoach

The external influence to the team coach, becomes part of the without becoming a member, or part of the results, it is just a guide with options. He considers that each member has full freedom of expression in the team and in the end the team ends with agreements and matching each member.

Shared goals can strengthen the team and open the barriers between areas to combine process-oriented teams. Identifying current limiting to transform them into improvements or development. The coach becomes a facilitator and promoter of creativity, retaking the foundations that unite the team and align with the company.

"The consummate leader is a visionary orchestrator, solutions and integration; inspiring for their work and conversations "- JMCoach
Details and organizational climate have high influence on the teams. Recognizing an employee gives status, certainty, justice, autonomy, relationship; much more than receiving money. On the contrary, humiliate or demonstrate it can be compared with the pain of a physical injury.

This creates environments productive and enjoyable work. It also forges the foundation for agile methodologies like Scrum to empower teams with relevant results.

The language creates possibilities and different future. What you need to do differently to create the future you want?

"I see you. Glad you're here (Ubuntu) "- Peter Senge

Por #JMCoach    @JormerMx


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