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About Coaching or Action + Transformation

The coaching more than a fad, it is a structured methodology that facilitates efficient processes with the integral development of individuals and businesses, leading them into action that transforms its performance, quality of life and learning.

There are two basic components to make things work and decisions are taken: Action + Transformation.

Coaching does not teach, makes it easy to learn, accompanies you to open opportunities and turn limiting beliefs in learning and development opportunities. It helps you "Eureka!".

The Coach accompanies during coaching the Coachee (client) to clearly define your goal, developing the potential that resides on it and waiting to be discovered by himself, producing a development / transformation of Coachee; it will expand its way of observing, talking, listening, act, analyze, interact. All based on ethics. "Achieving the best version of himself"

The process is based on discussions and conversations, certainly powerful, powerful in the sense of causing the Coachee for change or development questions as well as the knowledge of self.

The terms “re-fit” or “re-frame” – Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) – invite to see a determinate situation, from different points of view and angles. It’s a creative way to find other solutions, alternatives, ways, diversity and plurality. The perspective, the knowledge, the learning; the new great elements.

In each session we learn, we got something. In addition to specific monitoring tasks and change.

So in personal processes 8 to 12 working sessions aimed, in the case of teams and businesses sessions vary according to the objectives, strategies, etc.

We can visualize the coaching also as a "process of change based on the here and now", that is, knowing: Where am I going? Where I am? How do I arrive? (You will discover resources)

Together become crises, beliefs and fears fuel for developing your potential, changes in habit and consolidate your self-esteem.

Through the sessions, they can help us find the way of communication, which consists of active listening, sympathy, petitions and assertions accompanied by agreements.

"Coaching is an art with high responsibility and commitment to develop and exponentiate resources, skills, awareness" - JMCoach

Coaching types currently handled:
v  Executive / Professional
v  Personal / Life / Ontological
v  Business / Strategic / Systemic
v  Team works / Sales / Politician
v  Education / Parent
v  Sports

Benefits according to studies of the International Coaching Federation, Metrix Global, Global Coaching Survey:

ü  Improves confidence 80%
ü  Improved relationship 73%
ü  Improving communication skills 72%
ü  Improves balance life / work 67%
ü  68% Return on Investment

ü  Improving job performance 70%
ü  Improving Business Management 61%
ü  Improved effectiveness equipment 51%
ü  Decreased conflicts 57%
ü  86% Return on Investment

What is not Coaching, is something where we regularly say they do, we do not decide and do not learn for ourselves. Examples of what is not Coaching: therapy, mentoring, consulting, consulting, etc.

Professional Coach goes through a certification process recognized by International Institutions based on recognized methodologies and ethically accepted, hence the importance of continuous updating and each Coach receives coaching or therapy as part of its continuous improvement process, as well as courses.

Wouldn’t it be possible to work in better cared for spaces, strengthened at a human level?

The personal touch and the work experience combined with training, successes, learning and congruence, is the plus of each Coach.

How many times, when we wake up, we don’t want to get up, we feel tired, we don’t feel excited of what awaits us during the day.

"Remember the brightness of your eyes when you wanted to take on the world and now are embers after fatigue. The embers to blow and going on to new future... " Leonardo Wolk



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